Resident of MN, but work seasonal positions year-round in MA. How best to obtain healthcare?

My brother is legally a resident of MN, but lives and works on Nantucket. He has a Minnesota driver’s license and all his standard mail is routed here (to my house where he used to reside as well). For the past four years, he has worked the same job on Nantucket that is technically seasonal. It starts every April and ends every October. During the off-season, he picks up full-time work at a restaurant that is also on Nantucket. Aside from one or two trips back to MN each year, he’s in MA year-round.

Here is where the confusion lies. Technically, he has never been a true resident of Nantucket despite him living there for over four years. During the on-season his housing is included with his employment, and during the off-season he has an agreement with the owner that allows him to continue living there while he works his other job. Technically speaking, this means he’s never rented or owned a home there.

He had some weird individual insurance for a while, but it turned out to be pretty scammy and he’s now looking to find legitimate health insurance that he qualifies for despite his unusual work/life/living situation. We tried and applied for MNSure, but he was denied. The MA website also denied his application, but I’m wondering if that’s simply because he put his MN address in the form. There isn’t an option to add context, so it might’ve just been an auto-deny.

Can anyone help us out here? He would really like to get insured ASAP, but neither of us have any clue how he can best do that given his current situation. Thanks so much to anyone willing to offer some advice or direction here!

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submitted by /u/devitoscemi