Required Health Insurance for College (FL) – Help


I am a 21f living in Florida, studying at the University of Florida. It is required by my university to have health insurance, if not they will bill me $3000 for their annual plan (which I cannot afford right now). My mom took me off her insurance earlier this year since she could not afford to pay for me, so I have been uninsured for about 5 months now.

I had applied for insurance on and was found eligible, but all the plans I was able to chose from began at $200, almost as much as what I would pay for my university's insurance. Now it is too late for me to even chose a plan since open enrollment has ended. I need suggestions on any plans that I can enroll in, to avoid the automatic student insurance fee.

The plan would need to meet the universities minimum coverage guidelines:

Has anyone ever been in this situation, or similar and can offer any advice?

Note: I do currently work part-time for my school through FWS. I believe I may have been qualified to get insurance through my job but I needed to have applied for it within 60 days of being hired. At that time, I was still insured under my mom.

submitted by /u/laydubk1

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