Removed from parent’s insurance

I am currently 22, and recently started using some mental health benefits offered by BCBS IL and I came to find that my insurance plan ended April. I’ve never really dealt with the insurance so after calling I was told that I would have to apply for insurance myself and can’t be on my parent’s plan anymore. My mom has apparently never looked online at our insurance as she says it just renews automatically every year. I thought I could stay on their plan until I was 26? In any case I applied online and was denied insurance, so I visited my local human services office to see why I was denied and try to reapply and I was told it was because my parents made to much. My mom doesn’t work I know my dad definitely does not make enough. Either way I was not claimed as a dependent on their taxes so I don’t understand why that mattered when I applied. Is there some way I could get back on their insurance? I don’t have the money to be paying health insurance comfortably. Any input helps

TLDR: Removed off my parent’s health insurance for seemingly no reason, denied personal application even though I am definitely eligible.

submitted by /u/Bugbuy

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