Regence won’t cover a service they referred me for

Hi everyone! A little backstory- During the beginning of the year I had Regence insurance through the marketplace. I had started dating someone new and decided I should get STD tested before we took our relationship to the next stage. There was a long wait to get an in person appointment so I looked through their website and found out I could do a virtual appointment through a platform called Doctors on Demand. I had the visit with the provider and she sent a lab order in for me to get tested at a Quest Diagnostic. After my visit with her I was billed my copay for the visit which was $50. I got tested that day and had to go back in for an additional test the next day (it was a test where I couldn’t go to the bathroom for two hours prior so that’s why I had to come again the next day). I got all my results back and everything was fine. Then a few weeks later I got a bill in the mail for $310 for the visit, and another one a few days after for $728. When I looked at the bill, it showed that regence did not cover any of the testing. I was really confused since I literally went through regence and the doctor specifically referred me to that clinic to get tested. I called regence and they were very confused as well because quest diagnostic is covered in my state. They looked into and realized that the online doctor I had the appointment with was licensed in Nevada (which is not where I live). They stated that since the doctor I talked to lived in Nevada that all the billing is processed through them. They are refusing to cover any of the labs I got tested for.

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Does anyone have any advice on what to do in this situation?? I’ve been going back and forth with Regence on the phone and getting no solution for this. I really don’t think it makes sense for me to spend over $1,000 on getting tested when I had insurance that was supposed to cover it.