Refusal to pay for more than one treatment during depressive episode

Hello, I've been trying to go through Humana (my insurance) about getting a prescription for esketamine treatment for treatment resistant depression. I have tried maybe a dozen+ different medication over the past 7-10 years and nothing has worked. I've tried ECT which Humana covered, but they denied the esketamine after the doctor overseeing my care concluded that ECT was ineffective.

Humana denied the prior authorization concerning esketamine because they "only provide for one treatment per depressive episode," because the cost outweighs the benefits or something along those lines.

Problem is this "depressive episode," has been going on for years, and it wasn't until after another failed attempt that I've been really trying to get treatment outside of the medications that haven't been working.

How do they define a depressive episode and their guidelines for denying treatment because one other treatment didn't work?

Is there any work around for this?

submitted by /u/thesquaregoesinthe

See also  No Pre Authorization or Determination by Insurance Company