recourse when insurance ghosts you?

We had to buy special baby formula which is covered by our insurance because of a diagnosed allergy my kid has. I submitted claims with the doctor's note with appropriate codes plus receipts from purchase of said formula to Cigna like 3 months ago, following instructions from a Cigna rep.

I have still not been assigned a claim number and there's no way to even check the status of my claim on Cignas website. I've called customer care and each time it takes them about an hour to figure out what's going on — they aren't used to reimbursing purchased items rather than services. They eventually tell me it'll be processed in about two weeks. Then nothing happens — I call again in two weeks, and the cycle starts again.

Is there any way to talk to an actually competent person at Cigna to get this dealt with? Is there some sort of government consumer advocate I should contact? Seems like Cigna must be breaking some sort of rule about timeliness of processing claims (and also the number of false statements provided by their reps). Definitely feels like this is made difficult for consumers as a way for Cigna to have to pay out fewer claims.

submitted by /u/PiezoelectricitySea6

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