recommendations for a plan in Philly PA thru Pennie?

I need to get away from Ambetter PA Health & Wellness. I’ve never had such a crappy health insurance plan in my life.* Are all of them like this? Is anyone satisfied with their own PA marketplace plan?
Any advice would be much appreciated. I’m single with no dependents, in my 40s with no major health issues, willing to pay more in premiums for lower deductibles and a decent network.
-their online in-network directory is wildly outdated and filled with listings for caregivers who won’t accept them. The original PCP they assigned to me had a disconnected phone number and was no longer practicing.
-they denied a spinal MRI for over a year despite two separate appeals from a neurologist and a GP.
-their website function and support is awful. Once I was locked out of my account for over a week because of a password reset issue that they created.
-their call center agents are outsourced, they read from scripts and seem to have been trained under MK-Ultra for their ability to deflect your primary concern, obfuscate with repetitive phrases and to break you psychologically and emotionally.

submitted by /u/SuperIngaMMXXII

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