Recently switched from Medi-Cal to a Covered California Plan. I need help choosing

My income went up but my job doesn't offer health insurance and it's a seasonal one, so it ends before the year is done. My estimated max income is $24k.I got switched to Covered California and I'm trying to choose a plan on Silver 87.

They all offer the same thing:

Out-of-pocket maximum: $3,000 /year Primary care visits: $15.00 Copay Mental and behavioral health visits and outpatient service:$15.00 Copay Generic prescription drugs: $5.00 Copay Co-insurance is 100% for ER out-of-network $150 for urgent care co-pay

The choices are:

Kaiser HMO Silver 87: $0/month Anthem Blue Cross Silver EPO 87: $17/month Aetna Silver HMO 87: $42/month BCBS PPO 87: $118/month

I'm relatively healthy outside of Asthma, which I might need some inhalers once in a blue moon. I've checked the possible ER. Both Kaiser and Anthem had the same distance on hospitals w/in 10 miles radius, I also see Sutter in-network for Anthem. I'm tempted for Kaiser but I'm kinda getting mixed comments about it once I started reading through this sub. I'm leaning more to Anthem but EPO is a new thing for me, cause my previous Medi-Cal insurance was an HMO. Any advice would be appreciated! I can also give more plan details if necessary

submitted by /u/Kona41Station

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