Recently married, gauging general opinion on health insurance policies / benefits of combing health insurance vs carrying separate insurance policies (NYS, US)

So basically the title. I’m trying to gauge opinion here on what would be the most fair for both parties regarding health insurance plans for myself and my spouse.

My husband and I just got married this year and both work relatively good paying jobs (like only a few thousand dollars difference in salary per year). We’re looking to combine our health insurance plans either through his workplace or mine. However, it feels wrong imo for either myself or him to not pay one another for the additional expense of said health insurance plan.

I wouldn’t care so much if health insurance plans weren’t so damn expensive especially when adding an additional person to said plan.

I guess my question is, would it make sense/be fair to request your spouse to pay half of the health insurance premium that automatically is withdrawn from your paycheck considering it means you take home less of your salary as a result?

Likewise, are there any benefits to combing health insurance plans with your spouse vs having your own individual plans and vice versa?

Maybe this isn’t the right group to ask this question, so forgive me as I am relatively new to Reddit. I intend on speaking with my husband regarding this topic, but I wanted a general pulse check because I may be way off base in the way I’m thinking.

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