Recent graduate, unemployed – Is it possible to be on a student health insurance plan and state plan at the same time?

Hello, I graduated this past May 2024 and I'm still looking for employment. I'm on my student health insurance, which expires on August 14, 2024. I currently reside in NYC, so I enrolled in a New York state plan (specifically the Essential Plan) and it said that my member start date is July 1st, 2024.

I'm a bit confused–do I need to cancel my student health insurance or undergo some kind of transition process?

I'm also seeing a therapist, who's covered by my student health insurance, but is considered out-of-network on the Essential Plan (which has no out-of-network coverage). Since I'm already enrolled in the Essential Plan, does this mean I have to start paying out-of-pocket now? Or can I wait to "transition" insurance plans with my mental health provider until August 14?

Sorry if these are dumb questions. I'm not from the US (non-immigrant visa) and I'm still very confused by the health insurance system.

submitted by /u/ultralight-bean-313

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