receiving refunds for copays from 2020-2021, trying to find any possible reason before reaching out to insurance company directly

I have been on a totally different insurance plan in a separate network since summer 2021 and haven't had any other correspondence from my former health insurance provider until this past month when I suddenly started to get refund checks in the mail for co-pays dating as far back as early 2020. Initially, I cashed the first couple because I had, in the past, overpaid for a copay and gotten the refund this way when I was a patient.

but now more have come. the notes on them always say "refund of copay paid on [date]" with the date of an appointment.

I am starting to get nervous and I can't find any information on this. I couldn't have reached my OOP Maximum in 2021, as I had no major procedures done and only had the plan through May of that year. since I cashed the first few thinking I understood the situation, I don't want to end up having to owe these people money if I call and bring a computer error to attention.

I found an article about a Colorado error, but I am based in Virginia at this time and was in Maryland while on that plan, and the refund amounts reported in that case are minimal, where i've gotten half a dozen of these checks now.

submitted by /u/AxolotlAutist

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