Received same bill for current insurance and old insurance

Hey there!

I just received a bill from my doctor (for a test that I was told would be 100% covered, but that's another story). The bill said my insurance through my employer covered X% of the test and I still owed X amount. Then I get a call from my parents that they also received a bill for this exact same test from my doctor on their insurance. I have not been on their insurance policy in over 6 months and to my knowledge this is the first time since switching that this has happened.

I looked on my medical portal and it had my current insurance as primary, but my parents' policy was also still there. This is also weird because I know I was dropped from their policy when I got my own. I just requested that the old policy be removed, but the whole situation is very confusing.

Looking for any advice on next steps– I plan to call tomorrow and possibly Monday if they're not there. Thank you all!

Edit: My current insurance is BCBS of Michigan. My parents' insurance is BCBS of South Carolina I believe.

TL;DR: My doctor sent me a bill on my insurance policy and my parents the same bill on their policy that I am no longer on.

submitted by /u/MsJoeCool

See also  UHC Claim Denial