Received bill of $500 from BlueCross and BlueShield of Alabama

Delete if needed but I don't know where else to go to ask about this.

I recently received a bill in the mail for BlueCross and BlueShield for almost $500, this is a problem because since I was 18 (I'm 25 now) I haven't had insurance. I have looked online on like but never fully applied because 90% of the time it's too much monthly for me at my financial status. So I called the Customer Service number, after crying my guts out because I'm already pinching pennies to repair my 22 year old car, and they transferred me to Marketing where the lady said I had been enrolled ever since May 11, 2024.

This REALLY confused me because at that time I was unemployed. I don't ever recall looking at insurance at that time either because, well, no job. I had been going to a Gyno with a fiancial aide service provided at the time for monthly payments because I couldn't afford a visit without insurance, and my birth control was generic $20 pills, to get a flu shot I had to go to a local Health department where they only charged $5 and when I got the flu just a month ago I had to pay the full $145 copay out of pocket. Not once has a service told me that I had insurance and I also never received a bill ever until yesterday.

So to make a long story short, I need help. What do I do? I assume its fraud but I have no idea where to go from here, I don't have any idea what to do and my brain is fried.

submitted by /u/BeezInMyCoat

See also  (KS) Employer switched insurance providers mid-year, my out-of-pocket spending was suppose to transfer to the new plan but it hasn't. What more can I do?