Received an outrageous bill because Premera decided to apply most of the charges to my deductible

I buy coverage through the Washington health insurance exchange. Our plan is through Premera and has a $4,500 deductible. My wife is self employed and I don’t work enough hours to be eligible for my work health insurance. I get this same procedure done every three months and always try to skip the month of January if possible since everything resets at the first of the year. I had to have this procedure done in January this year due to clinics in Washington being insanely busy.

I’ve never had to pay more than $200 or $300 after this procedure. At most, it was $1,000 and a copay assistance program covered it. This year Premera decided to apply $4,300 towards my deductible. I have never had this happen before. Is this something they are allowed to do?

Do I have any course of action I can take to have this reversed?

They have never done this before. I have had this same plan for over four years now. Why would they do this now?

submitted by /u/IntellectualShiitake

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