Really confused with the new york marketplace

I have what feels like a complicated case, I am an independent contractor and my income varies a lot month to month because it's based on collections, and especially because I've only started working this year and I am currently not full time since I'm studying for a test.

I have a domestic partner, not a wife, and she's on unemployment until the last week of December. Then who knows.

I need injectable coverage for my diabetes, my wife has expensive name brand narcolepsy meds.

I am so confused because it estimates how much help I'll get on the new york state of health website but then when I choose a plan everything is like 1k a month which I can't afford so I'm not even sure what to do.

I called brokers and they want a ton of money to do anything and want to file me and my partner separate but then that's double the fees and idk how to even tell if that's right. I went through the wiki and I'm still just so confused

submitted by /u/Many_Needleworker683

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