Quit my job, could use some help figuring out my options

Hello, Long story short, I (26F) quit my job after using up my short-term disability. I'm currently in Kansas and moving next month to Michigan so that my boyfriend can care for me. I have opted not to go for long term disability or gov disability because I have seen how hard it is to get and because I still plan on working small contracted projects, there is just no way to do my current job even with major accommodations.

1) I think I am eligible for COBRA, but I'm not sure how to check or how to figure out how much it would cost compared to the short-term plans available on marketplace.

2) Since I plan on moving to Michigan, should I put my new address down and purchase insurance in Michigan?

3) My boyfriend said something about being able to add me to his health insurance after 6months of living together. I initially thought I could just get a 6mo short term plan and then move over, but now I'm wondering if he would be able to add me outside of the enrollment period. I don't know if "gf moved in with me 6 mo ago" counts as a qualifying life event the same way that getting married or having kids would.

If you have any general advice or resources too I'd appreciate it. This was my first job out of college and I've basically just been taken care of for the past 5 years. I've been healthy up until a few months ago, too, so I am completely new to a lot of this and trying to make the best decisions but feeling a bit overwhelmed.

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submitted by /u/floralcurtains