Questions regarding my recent bill

I'm a little irritated because my doctor claims to have spent 45 minutes in the visit notes prompting a lev 4 (sorry have not received the actual code that was billed). Appointment was at 0830, spent a few minutes w MA, blood pressure and notes, and about 8-10 minutes with my PCP. His progress notes were updated 30 minutes after my scheduled appointment, 0900.

Just a bit of information; -new patient, established care -ref. to dermatologist -ref. sleep study -blood work ordered.

My question is, do I have anyway to dispute the claim 45 mins were spent on my care and does it even matter because it would be considered complex?

I have insurance through my current employer, sutter health plus HMO, it is awful, I hate receiving bills for $400+ for an office visit. while each month I am spending $791 for myself, wife, and son just to feel upcoded. Maybe it is my feelings but damn I am upset with my current situation. Makes me want to not work and receive free health care via California. Sorry for the vent, and thank you in advance kind reddit people.

submitted by /u/Any-Force-3851

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