Question on charges? BC/BS, Illinois

Hi – this is a little different than most info requests I see here, but am hoping someone might have knowledge on the subject.

I was hospitalized in April for an emergency ruptured appendix and have been fighting to get this covered as in-network until just recently. After filing a complaint with the NoSurprises help desk and the Illinois Board of Insurance, there's finally been a resolution where I owe $5,000.00 +/- (instead of $18,000.00!).

On looking at the itemized bill from the hospital, I'm being billed $273.47 per bag for lactated Ringers, $227.42 for a bag of sodium chloride 0.9%, and $479.51 for each dose of levothyroxin solution (instead of being allowed to take a pill, which I pay $10 for 90 days).

These charges are insanely expensive, compared to the "real life" costs of these products (i.e. Veterinarians can order Ringers for $8.00 for the same size bag).

Is this just the way it is or do I have any recourse?


submitted by /u/HypatiaBlue

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