Question about Underestimation vs Overestimation

If you underestimate income will that just mean you just pay back the difference and is that ok if I plan to pay back the difference in my taxes when I file? Or is it better to just overestimate even if you can pay back the taxes at tax time and just need a doable deductible and copay???

I was offered a insurance Healthcare plan with income of 20k with a 411$ gov tax premium credit through Healthcare. gov and I pay $52 premium. If I make that 24k and they offered me 400$ gov credit and still pay $52 premium. I may be closer to the 20k mark due to vacations would I only have to pay the difference (difference of 411 and 400) only if I make closer to 24k which like I said I highly doubt, its be closer to 20K, Which is 11$×amount of months I had this plan with the 20k income or would it be the 400$×amount of months? Just checking since this is the 1st time I am getting health insurance. This plan was on healthcare. gov

submitted by /u/SparkleLaRae

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