Question About Prior Authorization Denial After Positive Polyp in Colonoscopy

Hoping someone might be able to help here.

My wife recently had her preventative colonoscopy. They found a few polyps (fairly standard) and removed them. But one came back positive for cancer.

The gastroenterologist referred her to an oncologist. Both have recommended a pelvic CT scan (the gastroenterologist ordered one) to ensure there aren’t additional growths in the area outside the colon.

Insurance has denied PA and then denied again after a peer-to-peer meeting. This is based on the fact that “the cancer has been removed and blood work shows no additional red flags”.

Anyone have any advice here? Because if two well respected doctors are saying “Yeah, this would be a good idea” (the oncologist saying it is basically SOP), then how do I get the heartless thieves at Cigna to get this pushed through, so we can make sure my wife is actually cancer free, instead of waiting for her to bleed out her ass to get a CT scan.

submitted by /u/The_Singularious

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