Hey all. I (19F) recently got into a car accident with my sister (think 3 hours ago), as the passenger, and my stomach hurt immediately after, subsided for a long while, and now it’s hurting once again. I am still at the hospital with my sister as a visitor, and I’m contemplating on getting checked out now since I have heard horror stories.

However, since money has been tight, that’s really the only thing stopping me. I have good insurance for myself ($100 deductible + 50% copay w/ an $1800 out of pocket max), but I was wondering how that would work if I get checked out here.

Would my $100 deductible + the $1800 copay be all I’d have to pay if I get checked out now? I went here last time and the prices for scans-xrays range from $2000 to $5000 (I have had to pay out of pocket myself before gaining insurance, and the last scan I had cost me about $3000 for the abdomen according to the bill). I think I will be okay regardless, but I would like to be safe rather than sorry.

submitted by /u/Maleficent-Ad7418

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