Question About Carefirst Dental

Hi everyone, I have a question I’m hoping you all can help me with regarding Carefirst Dental insurance because I’m struggling getting a hold of them directly. I was given a referral to a dentist for a procedure and this particular referred dentist is out of my network. According to my coverage details, “Out Of Network receives 100% of allowed benefit no deductible”. My first appt cost me $223 which I paid at the dentist and they told me I can submit a claim to get reimbursed. However I noticed the dentist submitted a claim and it says the insurance paid $77. Given what my coverage details said should they pay 100%? Or after my deductible which is $25? The procedure I need to get done is like $2000 and I really don’t want to pay for that all and not get reimbursed since I already pay for insurance. I’m just so confused and don’t know if I should keep my appt for this procedure or try and find a dentist that is in network even though that may be hard given I had to get a referral. Any help would be appreciated, thank you!

submitted by /u/bonyknees88

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