I turned 26 in January and lost coverage through my parent’s employer. Because I was unemployed at the time, I signed up for insurance through the marketplace and accepted the APTC. I got married in February (was still unemployed) and I just accepted a job this month that happens to offer ACA compliant insurance to all part time and full time employees. I know my circumstances have changed since I enrolled- but I’m pretty confused and have a few questions. I really want to avoid having to pay back a lot of $$$ during tax season due to my ignorance. -_-

1) If I cancel my marketplace coverage right now, will I still have to file form 8692 during tax season? Also- if I cancel my coverage, will I be responsible for the months of February and March regardless? (Because of marriage/new job)

2) If I call and report a life change, will I be able to re-enroll in a different plan without paying back my APTC during tax season? Will they know I reported my marriage 2 months late?

3) Would it best to cancel my marketplace insurance right away so I don’t have to pay back an exuberant amount during tax season?

I hope this makes sense, but I am happy to clarify any questions. TIA!

(26, 32210, I am unsure of my income as hours will fluctuate, but if I work 40 hours every week from now until December, the highest my income could be is ~$23,000)

submitted by /u/vs27

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