Hi all. This question is not specific to me therefore there’s some details I may not know but have a general question. I have a friend who had a pretty catastrophic accident in his home recently leaving him currently(I say currently because there’s a possibility of this changing) paralyzed from the chest down. Apparently his family aren't the brightest lightbulbs in regard to asking questions/finding out benefits etc. and we're being told he's on COBRA but is unable to maintain these high premiums ($1,500.00/month). He's currently not receiving any form of income, and his wife is retired and 62, we're unsure if she receives any income either,. Regardless, when COBRA is offered are you required to use that, or can you obtain health insurance elsewhere? I'm thinking this gentleman (58) would qualify for Medicaid and if not certainly something more affordable via the Marketplace.

I think I'm wrong, but I was always under the impression that COBRA was only offered after a separation
of employment which I don't think has officially occurred in this case. If it
matters he worked as a full time electrician for a school district, yet no one seems to
be discussing long term disability, likely out of ignorance regarding if he had
it, so any possible information regarding that if known would be helpful as

Thank you in advance for any information at all, this situation is incredibly sad for al involved.

submitted by /u/crazdtow

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