Purchase health insurance for sibling?

I (f48) am an American living overseas. My sister (36) lives with my parents in the States. She is chronically ill and unable to work. She has EDS and has been unofficially diagnosed with POTS. To be officially diagnosed and receive treatment for POTS, she needs a particular test. She has Medicaid and it's been awful. She has been waiting for this test for almost 5 years. If she can get the test, not only would she be finally able to receive treatment, she would be able to get Medicare and be put on disability and have better care. The restrictions on Medicaid recipients are ridiculous. There's no way for her to go to an out of network doctor or for me to just pay for the test. I've started thinking about getting her real health insurance so she can get the test and everything else she needs. Then maybe she could go on Medicare. Has anyone ever done this? Or heard of someone doing this? I've lived out of the US for 16 years and feel so out of the loop. My parents are also chronically ill and not financially able to do more than house and feed my sister. I'm the only member of my family able to work.

submitted by /u/tpring215gf6

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