Procedure Denied Because of Primary and Secondary Insurance Conflicts (pls help!)
For a bit of background, I’m 20 and in college so I have two health insurance providers: kaiser (my primary) and anthem blue cross (secondary) which is through my school.
I have been experiencing GI symptoms for over a year so I went through my school health insurance because there are no facilities near me through my primary (the closest one is an hour away). I ended up getting a sigmoidoscopy scheduled for monday (2/24) all the way in November but I was just called today by the endoscopy center that they cannot cover the procedure because kaiser is listed as my primary even though it’s covered through my secondary.
I just need some advice where to go from here. I’ve been on and off the phone all day with both health care providers. My school insurance told me that even though it’s in-network through them, it would still go to kaiser first and then through my secondary insurance. Another person (i think it was the endoscopy center insurance person? idk it was how i was informed it wasn’t covered) said that if it gets denied through kaiser, then it’s more than likely going to get denied through anthem and the best I can do is to try and get it reimbursed.
I had a really lengthy phone call with kaiser today too, and I’m actually waiting on a phone call back to see what my options are for getting it covered but it’s been a few hours. I’m just really frustrated that they told me so late that it wasn’t covered even though i’ve had this scheduled for months. Plus it technically IS covered, they just aren’t letting me be covered even though I pay for this health insurance for benefits like this 🙄. If anyone has any advice on what to do I’d really appreciate it. Would it be easier to cancel and try to schedule it through my primary even though the location is super inconvenient/nearly impossible to be seen? Should I try and pay out of pocket?
submitted by /u/mean_person12