I have Aetna and last January they switched their network and my doctor wasn’t covered. She went through the process to be included back in. In April we both were told it was approved and she was in network again. If I look up my doctor on my Aetna account it says “in network”. So I’ve seen my doctor many times since April and each claim has been denied. After fighting with them countless hours over the phone my doctor also called.

She found out that when they processed her paperwork they listed the incorrect tax ID so it’s not matching up and the claims get rejected. I have called many times, my doctor has called many times, no one will correct the issue. I filed complaints and appeals, nothing. I filed a complaint with my state insurance commission. After looking in to it they said they can’t get involved with employer paid insurance.

Meanwhile my doctor hadn’t been paid since January of last year and my bill is thousands of dollars. I have no idea what to do. No one at Aetna will help.

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