Prior employer didn’t cancel my health insurance and now my current health insurance is denying claims

Hi – I was sent here – hopefully someone can point me in the right direction or help

My previous employer never cancelled or removed me from their health insurance policy with UHC after I left in Dec of 2021. I started a new job 1/1/22 and got new health insurance with BCBS from my new employer. Everything was fine in 2022 as I was using my BCBS insurance. In December of 2022, BCBS realized that I active coverage through UHC and that they were my primary insurance based on the Coordination of Benefits. I contacted my previous employer on Dec 22 to have them fix this and make sure my coverage end date was corrected. In the meantime, BCBS retroactively went back and denied all my claims from 2022. Now I have service providers seeking payment saying that it is my responsibility to pay the denied claims. It's been over 3 months and my previous employer still hasn't made the correction. Now I have unpaid medical bills that are about to go to collections even though they were previously covered by insurance. I tried explaining the situation to my service providers but they said the billing system is automated and there's nothing they can do to stop it. I'm not sure what to do.

One service provider won't send my prescription that I need to the pharmacy until I pay my outstanding balance from last year even though they were previously covered!

I'm really not sure what to do

submitted by /u/dante_darko_

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