Prior Authorization was sent to inactive insurance


I was recently prescribed a medication via a telehealth service that required Prior Authorization. I also recently switched jobs, with insurance coverage from my old company ending on 06/01 (with the option to extend via COBRA) and my new coverage starting the first week of May.

I signed up for the telehealth service after 06/01, so the only insurance I ever added to my account was my new employer’s, and in the form I filled out when requesting them to submit a Prior Authorization, I also explicitly provided all of my new insurance company and pharmacy manager’s information again. A few days later I was told that my Prior Authorization had gone through and when I called the pharmacy, they confirmed a price that lined up with my new insurance’s cost. I filled the prescription for that price and thought all was well.

However, I just received a letter today from my old, inactivate insurance that they were the ones who approved my Prior Authorization.

Since that insurance is inactive, are they now going to charge me the difference (assuming I don’t pay for COBRA)? Do I have any possible recourse here? Thanks so much.

submitted by /u/liquidbreakfast

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