prior authorization on expensive drugs

I have United Health Care insurance and Optum for Pharmacy.

I was recently diagnosed with dry eye syndrome and was written a prescription for Restasis. When I went to look up the drug cost on the site, it states it is not covered by my plan nor is the generic. I went to the Pharmacist and she told me it would be $1,700 for a months worth of eye drops!

I went on the official site for Restasis and there is a savings program for those with commercial insurance (which I have) to save even more $$$. Awesome,, but

I tried to use it, but was told my insurance doesn't cover it so I can't use it?

Other similar eye drops: Cequa, Xiidra are also NOT covered by my plan according to the price lookup on the offical UHC site.

I've heard from various people that they needed a "prior authorization" to have them covered.

How can I find out if I need a prior authorization? It doesn't say on the site, just says "drug not covered by your plan.. talk to your health care provider about an alternative.." well, there isn't an alternative. None of the alternatives are covered. I already looked on GOODRX,,,,, $800 a month for eye drops.

Am I SOL? I'm loosing hope.

submitted by /u/black_licorce84

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