Prior authorization before official coverage start date

Hi everyone,

I am scheduled to get surgery at the end of August. The prior authorization under my current health plan (Aetna) was approved last month, but I recently found out my university is changing providers to United Healthcare. The old plan ends on August 14th and the new one starts on the 15th, which is one week before my surgery date.

Since the provider is changing, I believe I will need to get the procedure re-approved under the new insurance. Is it possible that I could start the approval process early, before the official start date? Enrollment opens on Monday, so theoretically I could be enrolled for a full month before the coverage switches over (I don't know whether or not enrollment status matters here).

I'm mostly concerned that the quick turnaround between the start date and the surgery date might mean that there isn't time for the approval process to go through. If it couldn't be started until after the official start date, is there a way to expedite a prior authorization? How fast would it be able to go through?

I've reached out to both the university insurance office and the surgeon's office for more information, but neither has gotten back to me yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I'm lowkey freaking out about the prospect of the surgery getting delayed or canceled.

submitted by /u/throwaway128383823

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