Prior Authorization and Network Adequacy; which one first?

Looking to get DJS as a part of my orthodontic treatment, either end of this year or next year. I am in Washington state. I guess I have a few questions, I can only read so much insurance jargon before my brain just explodes. Here are the main questions:

The surgeon I'd like to go with it out of network, but the hospital is in network. The hospital that is in network has 0 in network surgeons for oral/maxillofacial surgery. There are 3 provider groups that offer oral & maxillofacial surgery.

Can I make a case for network adequacy? This procedure requires prior authorization, should I submit a claim for PA before or after filing the network adequacy?

I've tried reading the WAC about network adequacy, and can't for the life of me find a definition for "sufficient choice of providers."

If this isn't fit for a network adequacy claim, if anyone has resources for what to do to get services from an out of network provider that'd be great. From what I understand I should still submit a prior authorization, and attempt to get it covered anyway. The service itself (double jaw surgery) is covered under my insurance. Sorry if this post was too vague.

ETA: This is a medically necessary procedure and does meet the standards for prior authorization approval to be considered reconstructive, not cosmetic.

submitted by /u/BigassNoseMcGee

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