I had a c-section on 2/12/24. At the time, I had primary and secondary insurance. All providers were made aware of both. Initially, the primary insurance paid all providers and the secondary also paid a portion of what was left over for my hospital bill. I ended my primary insurance on 2/12, but was told it was good until end of day on 2/12. Fast forward 6 months later, my primary insurance at the time is reversing all payments saying I didn’t have coverage on 2/12. I called both insurance companies and updated my COB. Come to find out my secondary took over at 1159pm on 2/11. I called all providers to resubmit claims to my secondary which is technically my primary. Could I be responsible for any timely filing issues due to this? All providers were paid in full by my old primary this whole time so there was no need for some of my providers to even bill my secondary even though they had it on file. This feels like he insurances fault for approving then reversing claims 6 months later. Stressing me out as it totals 26k

submitted by /u/BuffaloGirll716

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