Primary / Secondary Coverage. ELI5. What Happens in Given Scenarios?

Hello Folks –

Looking to strategize for the upcoming 2023 new year in regards to healthcare plans. I have standard corporate coverage. Standard corporate coverage includes fertility benefits as a bonus. Wife is federal government employee – which generally has some good plans, but they don’t include fertility coverage.

In general, I am contemplating covering my wife under BOTH my employer coverage – AND a plan under federal benefits. I’m looking to signup for a HDHP for both my family (under my company) – and my wife (herself only) under her plan. The reason for this is multiple, but it can be generalized as: If I signup my wife on MY employer plan, we have to pay a penalty. If it’s secondary to her coverage, that penalty no longer applies. 2nd – Her federal employee benefits contributes to an HSA of $900. Combined this pretty much negatives the costs of having 2 healthcare plans for her.

My question is – when my wife has her healthcare plan under her employer – and the deductible is $1,500 …. and her secondary coverage under me has a deductible of $1,500…. how does that work when she has a $150 standard doctor visit?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

See also  7 Days Left to #GetCovered – Enroll Now!