Hi! I turned 25 in June, so I have 7-ish more months on my dad’s insurance. I took a new job in May and they offered health insurance, I explained that I would be interested in the future, however I don't quite need it yet.

My employer came up to me last week and told me she enrolled me in the insurance plan and I would receive my card in the mail. I thought “no problem, I’ll just have primary secondary for a few months,” my employer covers 100% of the cost anyway. Well, I got my card in the mail and the copays SUCK! I assume my insurance would be primary whereas my dad’s insurance would now be my secondary. I see about 5 specialists a month, my current copay is $20 so it doesn’t really hinder with my finances. However, the new insurance through my employer has a copay of $55, and I am not looking to pay almost $300 to continue my specialist appointments. Will my copays now be $55 per appointment or will it continue to be $20 due to that being the lower fee of the two? I am considering just dropping the insurance at my employer since I don’t need it yet and wasn’t even asked about enrolling in the first place.

TLDR; my dad’s insurance (that covers me) has a copay of $20, my new insurance (through my employer, still am covered under my dad, though) has a copay of $55. Will my copays now be $55? Can I drop my insurance until I absolutely need it?

submitted by /u/TraditionalSyrup7961

See also  Best Health Insurance in Texas – Custom Health Plans, Inc.