Previous insurance still showing active on Sydney app

I notified my employer last month that I would be switching over to my husband’s insurance and effective 1/1/25, that I would no longer be needing insurance through them. At the time they did confirm the message in writing. This morning on my Sydney app, it still shows my previous insurance as being active. I would not be surprised if my employer forgot to cancel my insurance and I’m hesitant to bring up the issue to them right now because I’m confident they’ll just lie to me and blame the issue on something else if they did forget.

Is my previous insurance still showing up as active because I still have outstanding balances I have to pay (I received healthcare a couple weeks ago and got an EOB this morning)? Or would it only show up as active if my employer forgot to cancel my insurance? Secondly, I have an appointment with my OB tomorrow and plan on giving them my new insurance (through my husband’s employer). Is there any concern that if my old insurance was kept in their system for some reason that both insurances would be billed?

submitted by /u/rchllwr

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