Previous Employer Never Deactivated My Policy

I have quite the unique predicament: last summer, I was let go from my job and had Anthem while I was employed. Not long after I was let go, the company went under. Owner allegedly fled the country after it closed. I started a new job in a different state and enrolled in my new company’s plan with United Healthcare. Since I moved to a different state, I had to find a new doctor, new pharmacy, new psychiatrist, etc.

Just recently, I received a notice from United Healthcare that my claims were denied because I have another active insurance policy. I contacted Anthem and explained the situation, and they said I still have an active policy and only the plan administrator (company owner who fled the country) can deactivate it. After quite a bit of digging, I managed to track him down and explained the situation, and he said he called Anthem and confirmed that the policy was canceled a long time ago. From my multiple phone calls with Anthem, it’s evident that that’s not true since they still have an active policy and confirmed the plan administrator name with me.

My first thought was if I still technically have Anthem, then I would just file the claims through them. The problem is none of my new healthcare providers are in Anthem’s network.

Does anyone have any experience with something like this? Any insight on language that should be used with customer service/agencies I should contact would be extremely helpful!

submitted by /u/Frequent-Sweet5901

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