Preventative care billed as medical questions

I have at least two items on my preventative schedule that have been applying to my deductible and I'm struggling to understand why. At first I thought it was just coded wrong but now I'm not so sure.

The first item is nutritional counseling, which is preventative care as long as I have high blood pressure. I do and I asked the provider to send that code to the insurance. It's still counting against my deductible and billing me.

The second item is an IUD. Birth control is covered by my plan and I checked in advance that the one my gyno recommended was covered. I got a very large and unexpected bill when the device was covered but the hormone insert was not, which seems especially not cool to me. I've asked for code review on this twice and they keep coming up that it should go against my deductible.

So how are these two things, listed as 100% covered in my plan, still hitting my deductible? Where's the disconnect? My theory is that perhaps there's no specific notes in the doctors' documentation with the claim that they are "preventing" anything and therefore must be medical in nature, but hoping someone has ideas and maybe what I can specifically ask for in order to get it resolved. TIA!

submitted by /u/littleladyepilogue

See also  Form 1095-C and Marketplace Subsidies Per Month (Accidently worked Full-time)