Prescription repayment for retroactive COBRA

My wife is currently getting post cancer treatment and has monthly prescriptions averaging around 15K a month. I am getting indications my work may terminate my position. My understanding is my coverage would then terminate that day (company policy), but I can get retroactive coverage. My concern is that my work may be slow in sending out instructions to activate COBRA (especially if I have to wait through the mail) and I’m less concerned about rebilling for health insurance claims however what do I do for prescriptions? I would do my best to try to escalate getting coverage activated but my work has been laying off HR too so I’m worried people wouldn’t help me.

I’m sure the insurance company is paying significantly less than I would have to pay out of pocket, can I get reimbursement retroactively or am I just SOL?

I tried searching for prior answers but didn’t find anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/StarFire82

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