Prescription from doctor not covered by insurance

Looking for some guidance about what I can expect if I get a prescription from a doctor that isn’t covered by my current insurance plan.

For context, I received an ADHD assessment from Circle Medical last summer. It would have taken me 4+ months to even get an appointment for an assessment within my network, and my therapist told me about Circle, so I wenwasn’t ready to get on medication at the time, but I want to explore that now. When I had the initial assessment, the virtual visit was covered by my plan, and I just had a copay. I went to schedule a follow-up to get a prescription (almost a year later) and the services aren’t covered any longer.

I’m fine paying out of pocket for the one visit to get a prescription, but my larger question is, if I get a prescription from this provider, is it possible that my insurance won’t cover the cost and I’ll have to pay completely out of pocket for the medication since the doctor providing the prescription isn’t covered? If that’s the case, I obviously won’t want to pay out of pocket for the appointment itself. Any guidance is appreciated!

submitted by /u/Cool-Concentrate3234

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