Prescription Coverage Keeping Me From Medications, Please Help?!

Ever since I started using Optum Rx, I have had to fight tooth and nail for my medications. My doctors will write me a prescription, then Optum says “denied” and my doctors have to argue back and forth with them before they approve or continue to deny. My doctors and I are frustrated. Currently, Optum has denied 2 prescriptions I had already been on, that they approved last year, that I rely on to survive, and I had to get surgery to remove my uterus 3 whole months ahead of schedule because of 1 of those denials and my underlying condition which, they didn’t even want to cover the pain medication afterward. They kept me from getting this medication, not just denied it. The second medication is so I can literally digest food properly. Another they had approved but now have denied, regardless of refill status. This is the last thing I need on top of poor health-

I need to be able to get my medications. I don’t understand this service and I would like to go to another option if possible. This has been so extremely frustrating- all while my partner has BCBS as well and has absolutely no trouble going to the doctors they want or getting any of their medications…

Thanks for any help! (BCBS Healthselect Texas)

submitted by /u/Im_Ritz_Bitz

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