Prescription costs after out of pocket max is met Marketplace BCBS

I am having to pick a marketplace/BCBS plan soon as mine is no longer available for 2024 & I cannot get a straight answer on what costs I’ll be looking at paying (besides the high monthly premium) for meds. The deductible is $0 and out of pocket max (individual) is $1360, with $10/$30 copay for pcp/specialist, 10% coinsurance for diagnostics/labs, and tiered drugs $7 generic, $30 preferred, $100 tier 4, 10% coinsurance for tier 5-6.

Will the prescription drugs be fully covered once I hit the out of pocket maximum? Or will I continue to have to pay a copay? (Health and pharmacy are allegedly combined on these plans). Doctors visits/diagnostics would no longer have a copay/coinsurance either if out of pocket max has been met too correct?

For example: I have a few tier 4 meds I’d be paying $100 each per month, if I meet out of pocket max by April would the prescriptions be $0 for the rest of the year? Or does the max only apply to doctors visits?

submitted by /u/Ok-Perspectiv3

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