Basically wondering if I’m actually eligible for a premium tax credit based on my current situation.

Going to try and leave out personal details because this is, y’know, the internet, but here’s the basics. Losing parent insurance at the end of the month and I currently work as a long term contractor that’s technically employed by an HR agency separate from the company I actually produce work for.

HR agency provides benefits to contractors it employs but said benefits — even the cheapest options — are out of my price range. (If anyone gets why places offer weirdly expensive benefits, let me know. I suspect it has to do with it being a contractor/HR agency arrangement?)

Because those benefits are expensive, I’ve opted to choose a marketplace plan and was given the option to have a premium tax credit based on my estimated yearly income when applying through the gov website.

However, as I was completing the app, it said I can’t have a premium tax credit if I’m eligible for workplace benefits. But the app still allowed me to complete and pay my first premium with the credit??

My question is this: should I be worried about losing the tax credit — which is enormously beneficial — or am I in the clear?

submitted by /u/throwaway66774432121

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