Premium per paycheck for Aetna?

Our company recently started offering healthcare and I’m looking at enrolling for the first time in my adult life. When looking over the plans though, I am concerned about the cost as it lists per paycheck. I know every plan and employer is different, but this seems outrageously high compared to others.

I am 31 and rarely go to the doctor so I am looking at the HDHP mostly for an emergency coverage. Basically nothing covered until a 3.2k individual / 6.5k family deductible is hit. The cost says $366, that sucks, but it says per paycheck. I’m paid twice a month. $723 a month for a premium? This is one of the cheapest options of our plans.

There is a cheaper plan with a higher deductible (6.3k/12.7k) that has some good copays if you visit the doctor a lot, but even that is “$327 per paycheck”.

Am I misunderstanding the per paycheck? I’m not sure how anybody affords $720/mo for just a husband and wife.

submitted by /u/SpartanVFL

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