Pregnant Wife and time to enroll

Hey folks, I appreciate any responses to this! I am married with one child and one on the way in 2023. I have about 2 weeks to select a plan for the new rolling year. There are three plans to choose from. We are all healthy with only 1 prescription between the 3 of us. I'm guessing Plan 2 due to the $3,200 OOPM…but I could use any advice. Thank you internet experts!

Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 Cost per pay period $69.23 $ 293.57 $174.20 Estimated Annual OOP $3,601.41 $1,043.73 $2,471.76 Deductible $5,000 $0 $3,100 Coinsurance 90% 85% 90% OOPM $10,000 $3,200 $5,100 HSA employer contribution $500 $0 $1,000 Brand Name preferred Rx 30% coinsurance ($30 minimum/$75 maximum) 30% coinsurance ($30 minimum/$75 maximum) 30% coinsurance ($30 minimum/$75 maximum) Non-preferred Brand Name Rx 50% coinsurance ($70 minimum/$200 maximum) 50% coinsurance ($70 minimum/$200 maximum) 50% coinsurance ($70 minimum/$200 maximum) Generic Rx $15 co-pay $15 copay $15 copay submitted by /u/just_capital

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