Pregnant, but my insurance won’t cover me! What are my options!?

My situation is complicated so bear with me…

I work for a couple as a child care domestic. I make $100k a year, but am almost positive that once I tell my employers I am expecting, they will cut me loose (this is not illegal because I work for a couple in their household under an LLC and I am the only employee). I have private health insurance that I pay for on my own (it is not a work benefit). It covers a lot, but doesn’t cover maternity care or labor and delivery (meaning all my ultrasounds, lab work, office visits, etc. aren’t covered). God forbid something happen to me or the baby that requires extensive medical care…

Here are my options (that I’m aware of). If anyone has advice or other avenues to explore, I’m all ears because I’m desperate:

If my bosses let me go, I don’t qualify for a “life event” to acquire a healthcare plan on the marketplace outside of open enrollment because my employer doesn’t provide my healthcare and therefore losing my job won’t cause me to lose my healthcare.

If I marry my boyfriend and try to get on his corporate insurance, my pregnancy is considered a pre-existing condition and I’m not covered.

If I lose my job, I can’t apply for Medicaid because I’ve already made over $25k this year and that number will only increase until my bosses potentially let me go.

A very kind Marketplace rep said I could move my permanent address to another state (say to my parents’ home in FL), keep my job (as long as I’m allowed to), receive my medical care in that state (routine doctors visits, lab work, ultrasounds and labor and delivery unless it is deemed a medical emergency and I’m in another state at the time or they event). I will have to file taxes in that state as well.

See also  Made mistake for income. Switching from marketplace plan to Medicaid? (Pregnancy due next month)

I haven’t asked the very kind Marketplace rep about marrying my boyfriend while living in our current state (TN) and then trying to get on a Marketplace plan due to a “life event” just yet, but I’m wondering if that’s also an option.

Does anyone have any insight? This whole debacle is absolutely maddening and ridiculous. I pay over $300/month for my health insurance, pay taxes, do the “right thing” and I feel like I’m getting screwed by the system.

submitted by /u/SnooShortcuts8949