Predicting whether billing to high-deductible PPO plan is cheaper than paying cash?

I have a high deductible PPO plan, so generally have to pay higher amounts for any medical service and that amount goes toward the deductible. I'd like to see a specialist, but I'm not sure what will cost less – paying cash vs having them bill my insurance at a higher rate and having no idea what they'll cover and what I'd end up being billed after insurance adjustments/discounts. I received the cash rates from the provider but they weren't able to give me the amount they would bill to insurance, just said it would be higher. Provider also couldn't provide any specific billing codes, which is what my insurance said they would need in order to share exactly what would be covered.

Am I able to have them initially bill it to insurance, and then if it winds up being higher than the cash price, ask to reverse it somehow and pay cash instead? So frustrating to not know how much a basic service is going to cost you…

submitted by /u/Square-Wrap-9868

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