Pre existing medical condition being flagged

Hi folks. So I took out a new policy for a company I'd had medical insurance with 3 years ago but via a different "provider" I was assured from the insurance broker that I wouldn't have any issues regarding not mentioning pre existing conditions since the condition I'd had previously was resolved (gastric) and no longer required medications. I had a new gastric problem crop up 3 months into the policy and have been undergoing investigations / treatment since. Today I went to pick up my medication and it was denied based off " pre existing conditions" from the old policy. I don't understand why suddenly now they have flagged this? I called them they said they will escalate the issue (this company is garbage it means nothing will happen unless I keep chasing) I was never diagnosed with this specific issue before nor did i have the same symptoms. So basically where does that leave me in terms of ramifications? They will continue the policy but not allow me to claim for this condition? Will they cancel the policy? Are there any legal ramifications to me if they can prove it was pre existing and try to claim the money for everything I've had done this year back from me? Very concerned about the last question.

submitted by /u/_goku_101

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