Hey guys,

I am about to pull the trigger on insurance, however I have a slight concern. I am thinking about just going directly to a marketplace plan instead of cobra, my concern is I did something to my knee, and have had some imaging done etc which i have paid out of pocket.. I have a future appointment to follow up to determine what is actually wrong, my question is am i REQUIRED to get cobra if i want my marketplace plan to cover any future treatmen/appointments? I was able to negotiate my treatment thus far, to about what my out of pocket expenses would have been had i had cobra, so theoretically i can save myself the $700 and just skip cobra all together.. I have asked a couple of brokers to reach out and they seem to busy, and i dont want to provide my phone number to the exchange as ill get calls for the next 60 days. thanks in advance for any insight! I know they cannot deny my insurance coverage, just unsure about the claims themselves.

submitted by /u/bmfs0309

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