Pre-approved injections, Received a large bill. What’s going on?

I had two rounds of injections for my chronic migraines (I'm at an average if 21/month, have been hospitalized for them…it's ridiculous). I finally received written prior authorizations, for both times I went in from my insurance company (husband's insurance).

I got a bill for over $5,000 for the injections and I'm thinking, what the heck is going on? It was a process to get approval -had to have a certain amount of prescriptions that fail, but it finally worked out…I thought. My husband's HR has been working on it and told me that I shouldn't cancel my upcoming appointments but frankly I'm scared to go and get charged. I canceled my last one but am suffering the painful consequences.

I've kept the PAs that they mailed to me. Is something wrong here? Are they in the right? We just had a baby two weeks ago and need the money to care for her. I even got a PA for the birth of our daughter out of paranoia, I'm terrified another bill is coming for that. Help?

submitted by /u/pink_lemonade_party

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